Cleverly Candid Photography's Blog

Love is in the details…

Baby love November 5, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — cleverlycandidphotography @ 8:33 pm

I first met Heather a few years ago on the playground while our children happily played with one another!  Heather and I made small talk but it never went much further as we were (and still are) both busy moms and hadn’t much time for any “additions” to our lives!  We remained friendly but never really went much deeper then a friendly smile and a hello!  Our paths crossed again last summer after what was apparently a longer time then either of us realized.  My family had grown by 2 more boys! (another story for  another time!) and Heather was now pregnant with her second!  Our big kids picked up right were they left off and Heather and I are looking forward to some late afternoon play dates over a glass of wine : )

So you are about to see  Heather is as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside and I begged her to let me do some belly shots!  So here we go!  By the way… Heather had her baby this morning and while I don’t have the details as of yet, stay tuned because we have big things planned for the newborn photos!!!!  Happy Birthday sweet sweet baby!





2 Responses to “Baby love”

  1. Cheryl Says:


    These are BEAUTIFUL! I wish we lived closer when I was pregnant with Chloe. I desperately wanted pics like this and Pete was NOT up to the task (grrr, men!).

    I bet you will have great success with these types of photo shoots. I wish you lots of luck with it! Sounds like business is good and life is even better!

    Take care!

  2. What great photos!!! I love the last one with her daughter kissing her belly! Great job!

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